Metal (stainless steel) file perfect for making edges and flat surfaces.
Can file in any direction like a sand paper.
Size: 90/20/1.5mm
In general, when creating a edge with sand paper and a board,
there is an adhesive material (double-sided tape) in between
which causes a dull edge since there is an adhesive material which acts as a cushion between the file and the object. However, the ES-90 file integrates with the board, not allowing anything in between to create a sharp edge (Can create sharp edges even on curved surfaces).
Integrated file with board Object
No dullness of edges since the the board itself is a file as well
Wide file surface
ES-90 file feature: not only flat but cuts wide surfaces
Can find small dents when making a flat surface
Special file structure: For both right-hand and left-hand use
General metal file is for right hand, but with the ES-90, file in any directions like sand paper
Index finger Thumb Picking with fingers Hold with three fingers
Can file in all directions, so no need to worry about which hand to hold it, how to hold it, or how to direct the file
Durable since it’s metal
Remove chips to prevent from clogging
Remove chips with toothbrush
Chips will clog if they are not removed
When severly clogged, put solvent on to dissolve the chips
Do not use metal brush to clean the file. It will damage the file
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